Asia Scotland Trustees

The Trustees are a tightly-knit group which meets monthly and takes a pro-active approach to matters in hand.

Roddy Gow, OBE Chairman of the Asia Scotland Trust, is the Founder and Chairman of the Asia Scotland Institute.  He is also the Founding Partner of Canongate Partners, an international executive search and consulting firm. He was previously the Chief Executive of Asia House, London, where he drove its mission to educate and inform the people of the UK about the region extending from the Gulf to Japan. He is a member of the King’s Bodyguard for Scotland (Royal Company of Archers) and holds an MA degree from Trinity College, Cambridge, in Fine Arts and Architecture.

Tom Addyman BA, MA Conservation Studies, York  a leading expert in his field, is principal of Addyman Archaeology and Partner at Simpson & Brown Architects, Edinburgh. He has extensive experience as an archaeologist and buildings historian in relation to architectural conservation, and has led many significant research projects in the UK and overseas including India, particularly Kolkata and Punjab. He has published and lectured widely and teaches on the MA building conservation course, ESALA, University of Edinburgh.

Philippa Vaughan BA Hon is an art historian with extensive experience of conservation and heritage issues in the Indian subcontinent. After over a decade at Christie’s King Street she became a Founder Trustee, and later Director of Projects, of The Calcutta Tercentenary Trust working in Calcutta. She acted as Consultant archaeologist and art historian to the Aga Khan Trust for Culture on World Heritage Monuments in South Asia and curated on behalf of the British Council an exhibition for the Golden Jubilee of Pakistan which was opened in Islamabad by HM The Queen. She was Director and a Vice-President of the Royal Asiatic Society 1995-2001.

Sir Rob Young GCMG spent his career in HM Diplomatic Service. An Arabist and Middle East specialist, his postings included Cairo and Damascus, as well as Head of Middle East Department in London in the 1980s. He also enjoyed two postings to Paris, latterly as Minister. His last job was as British High Commissioner to India from 1999 to 2003. Since retirement, Sir Rob has held a number of positions in both the voluntary and private sectors. He was a Commissioner of the Commonwealth War Graves for eight years, and is Chairman of the Calcutta Tercentenary Trust.

Clare Sorensen MA Hons trained as an historian in art and cultural history and has a postgraduate degree in Heritage and Interpretation. Her professional life has been spent with the Royal Commission on the Ancient Historical Monuments of Scotland and she is currently Buildings Survey Project Manager (Survey and Recording, Heritage Directorate) at Historic Environment Scotland. She has experience of Kolkata having participated in the recording exercise of the Scottish Cemetery with the Kolkata Scottish Heritage Trust, researching and archiving the resource now made available online. A Londoner by birth,  and living in Edinburgh for many years, she holds British and New Zealand citizenship.


Dr Mark Watson Hon FLS is a plant scientist at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, where he is head of the Major Floras Research Programme. He is a taxonomic botanist who specialises in plants from China and the Himalayan Region, with particular focus on Nepal. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Flora of Nepal. He has collaborated with scientists from the Botanical Survey of India, especially those at the AJC Bose Indian Botanic Garden Howrah, West Bengal. Mark has expert knowledge on the history of botany in India, particularly the early years of the Calcutta Botanic Garden (as it was then known). He is a trustee of the Linnean Society of London.


Bruce Kerr, KC was the founding Chairman of the Asia Scotland Trust and a former court lawyer. He was educated at the Universities of Oxford and Edinburgh before practising for 21 years as an Advocate in the Scottish courts. He then sat as a Sheriff in Glasgow for 5 years (1994-1999) and served for 15 years (1999-2014) as Sheriff Principal of North Strathclyde, a post comprising both judicial and administrative components in charge of the whole court system in one of Scotland’s six sheriffdoms.

The Asia Scotland Trust is a registered Scottish charity. Scottish Charity No. SCO45273. Companies House No. SC464144

© Asia Scotland Trust 2020